Friday, June 29, 2012

Random tidbits from a camera

If I was an Instagram-er then this would be a "lately in Instagram" post. Unfortunately, all I have is a breaking down camera that's held together by rubber bands- and it captures the little moments that are slightly noteworthy to me. :)... so lately...
Spending a rainy day inside Barnes and Noble just reading random books- and wishing that I was very rich so I could buy all the incredible ones I stumbled upon- with my best friend.

Blogging/laptop party with dad over a bowl of cherries. And the magazine that I've been super into reading lately. It's a Scientific American about the difference between men and women- psychologically mostly. It's very interesting.

Because there's just something about driving a truck in the summertime that makes you feel good. (Except for the price of diesel gas...that does not make you feel good.)

It's probably embarrassing to show a picture of a messy room. But this is just how it is- maybe I feel weird in the such a big bed. All the clothes that I go though every time I get dressed and nothing seems to work- they all get placed to cover up the other half of the bed. ...?

Going total dork status on shoes for work because we aren't allowed to show our ankles if we wear shorts...? Don't ask me why, it's just a thing. So we get scrunched up high socks- because who really owns any socks that aren't ankle socks?

The perfect activity for summer nights- albeit one that tends to make me feel very nostalgic. 

Found a good home for this baby's breath once it dried out.

These potato yam things have been in that basket in the corner of the kitchen for who knows how long? But they are actually growing. Weird right? That really says something about growing where you stand. Some are placed in great soil and given water and sunshine- and some are forgotten in a kitchen corner- but we all have to make do with what we're given and grow anyways. Those were my thoughts when I saw it anyways.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH! Those shoes! That seriously just made my day Bronte. I can't believe people still think ankles are so provocative... that's hilarious.
