Sunday, June 10, 2012

A sidenote about hipsters.

AKA Confessions of a wannabe hipster-
1.       I’m on the borderline of being a vegetarian- I will only eat meat if I can convince myself that it came from the frozen food section and not from a creature that once had eyes. It often makes me sound picky and dumb, but I seriously just gag at the sight of blood. I often tell people I’m a vegetarian because it’s easier than explaining all that.  
           Also- if you want to know what you're really eating when it says Mechanically Seperated Meat (aka if you are willing to never again eat McDonalds chicken nougats, bologna, or hot dogs) read this!
2.       I love the hipster style. I have probably too many shirts that could qualify as grandma materials and I buy mainly used clothes. And I love the hippy headband hairdos that are becoming popular. But I mean…the fact that I love hipster style so much and will admit to it probably means I can never be a true hipster.
3.       I love to play the guitar. Like for hours on end. I'm not even that good at it, but I like it so so much.
4.       I love to be barefoot. Especially in the summer!
5.       I LOVED the movie The Lorax (anything Doctor Seuss really) and I’m kind of a sucker for taking care of the environment. I’m a sucker for a lot of things. I have very flighty opinions especially when it comes to politics, but I do in fact have opinions!

So I’m not really a hipster. I just have a few qualities of hippies/hipsters. I mix the two. But I love hipsters. Really. 

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