Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Awkward and Awesome-nerd themed. But mostly awesome.

-Some people know me too well. I couldn't even finish typing the song before she caught me. It was supposed to be hilarious.
-Speaking of wicked...shortly after we decided to listen to wicked songs...Ali was taking off her makeup and had it all off on one side and mascara smeared all over the other side. She did a duet with herself- covering up the different sides of her face to be the two different people. Guess you had to be there?
-When I'm having a bad day and blasting music in my ipod to escape from it all. I bet most people don't know that I'm blasting Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue.
-Walking around in my flats that click like they are heels. It's super annoying to put up with the click of shoes without the satisfaction of them being heels. But I love it because it reminds me of my mom getting ready for church when I was a little girl. Just the sound of fancy shoes clicking on the tile every Sunday morning. :)
-My Sociology teacher playing the guess-my-personality game saying he bet I was a "studious and prestigious student. I'd even go as far as to say you've never gotten a grade below an A". Well- very intuitive about the girl who sits in the front row and raises her hand to comment every 10 seconds...but  it's nice that I look like a smarty-pants. :)
-Someone in the math lab asked me if I was head of the math tutoring department. Wow. Didn't know I looked that confident and in charge.
-Dreaming about having a beautiful German accent and speaking fluently (sub-conscious wish?)
-Recently I've been reading my Book of Mormon in the mornings instead of getting ready for school. I swear that the simple act is like magic pixie dust on my whole day and I get everything done that I need to and I'm not freaked out and I feel like I'm in control. 
-Watching a movie for science in the library...the main character was Matthew Mcconaughey....the looks people were giving me...I swear it was homework!
-I was talking to Ali and the conversation went a little something like "I haven't showered in 3 days...but you can't tell right?" and right when I was saying that first part (rather loudly because she was walking away) I ran full into some poor kid. I promise I'm not really nasty. 
-I have this fear of those storm drain things. Walking home from campus late at night and this LOUD NOISE comes out of it. I probably jumped 3 feet. To the side and in the air. 
-Every time I want to post a comment on someone else's blog...and this "prove you're not a robot" thing comes up. It LITERALLY. takes me 7 times. 7. And that's not an exaggeration at all. Put it's not that embarrassing right? I mean- who can actually get those right on the first try? But the 7th...? And it's happened more than once. more than 5 times.
but I mean...take this one for example. Does that second part not look like an alien wrote it?


  1. Ohhh my this is hilarious. I'm so glad someone else agrees about the robot thing, I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. Maybe not 7 times? But enough to drive me absolutely insane. I almost just debated to not even publish this comment because of that specific reason.

  2. If you click the little circly arrow it'll give you a new picture. I usually click it...about seven times until Iget one I can read.

  3. I get it on the first time every time. I am a robot.
