Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Spice Challenge: Creole...Chicken Pasta

Once upon a time I had a dream of being this incredible cook who could have a million pots on the stove at once and cutting boards and throwing in random spices with NO RECIPE!!! and cooking by taste- something like that. And then it turned out I was quite untalented with that kind of thing- many attempts and failed disgusting dinners. And then add to that I was really bad at cooking meat- like I didn't even know what to do with chicken to cook it, the only time I ate meat was on dates (ps- there were some dinner dates that taught me how to cook meat, see! dates are good for something ;) ). Then another time my dad gave me a spice rack and I didn't use it for like, at least a semester. Long story short my goal for the semester is to use all of those spices at least once, and I bought a huge bag of chicken in order to force myself to learn to cook meat. Look at me. I'm becoming domestic and whatnot. 
So spice number one, aka, the one that smelled the best. 
And so you know...I did this with NO RECIPE! I made it up by taste and no one told me what to do!!! So I basically fulfilled my dreams. Even though it doesn't look incredibly colorful and delicious- it was good.

Noodles, 1 TBS butter, creole, salt, tomatoes. And the chicken was cooked in oil and creole. 

Cooking hint I learned on a date: cover chicken to make it cook faster...and only flip it once so that it's tender. Well it seems to work- not that I've cooked chicken a ton.

Pasta! :) I did it!

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