Tuesday, September 11, 2012

first day of school ramble-rant

Here is my first day of college ramble-rant.

All the little freshmen boys look like they are 12 years old. The sociology professors are so chill and interesting I get all confused about what major I should be choosing- because I love what I have, but this is just so interesting to learn about. OOOOh the spelling mistakes I'm prone to notice in textbooks that have not been edited (self written by teachers, my oh my) and in the syllabus. Here's my favorite. And it's talking about plagiarism "Learning such behavior in school can lead to practices that would cause job termination, or even loss of life later in your career, so we will adhere to strict standards now." did you catch it? Because according to that word mix up, plagiarism is a DEADLY thing. After this very teacher scared all the good hopes of college out of my day this syllabus mistake made the day a little better. And then I went to my next class and the teacher was wearing a tie with skulls on it- foreshadowing probably- and all the expectations of that class were a bit intimidating. And I started to think why on earth did I think I could handle this many credits? Really.
And then I started doing homework that said complicated sciencey things which I wasn't understanding including "this is the scientific method you should remember from high school"

And I remember nothing of the sort. My high school science was a lot more simple.

But then I ended the day feeling fine because of a talk with my dad, my roommate saying she was equally scared of this science class and has the same textbook, and remembering this quotey thing....
and to avoid loss of life caused by plagiarism: credit given to here.

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