Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A weird habit of mine.

So when I'm driving in the car I have a hard time talking to people. This may be developed from much curiosity as a child- I always wanted to listen to what my parents were talking about so I'd always make my little sisters be quiet when we drove places so we could listen in. But I've also noticed that even when I am trying to talk to people I get distracted very easily by houses. Houses are distracting to me like Pintrest is distracting to most people. I seriously check out EVERYONE's houses- but mostly their gardens and porches and pick out what I like. I am constantly thinking- Oh! I want that kind of porch swing, or fountain, or whatever it is when I have a house of my own.  Sometimes I get brave enough to take a picture. But I seriously do this ALL the time.
One of the ironically GIGANTIC houses right next to the temple

Just look at that ballistrade on the balcony upstairs. And that garden!

Big wide open porches and columns! 

flower-bedroom...:) Love the dresser. 

And Willow trees! I know they're probably a pain to take care of- but seriously! Just look at them!

And another picture from the flower geek. I had to- beautiful moments right? :)

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