Monday, January 28, 2013

Idaho will be Idaho.

There are certain things in life that remain the same no matter what.
For me, Idaho is somewhat of a constant.
The people- they like their guns (protesting amidst all this political talk of taking them away) among other outdoorsy things.

The weather- will find ways to push your day around (getting stuck in a driveway for an hour and having all the neighbors come help).
Poor little car that had to deal with all that snow, and me, inexperienced snow driver at the wheel.

The clarity- it will always find a way to help you clear your mind and bring you peace. Maybe it's just the gorgeous scenery and wide open spaces, or the people, or the fresh air. There's just something that gives encouragement to me every time.

In short it was a weekend of visiting friends, sliding around in the snow, having fun (at green canyon, the Academy of Comedy- say that 10 times fast, and acoustic cafe), having some personal time to reflect on the things that try to worry me, and staying up late and sleeping in- laughing and talking. Laughing a lot. Thanks to Zoie and Aaron for letting me come stay with you.

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