Sunday, September 6, 2015

What to do with all that mint/ How to preserve mint

Mint grows wild in your garden and you feel guilty for not using it, but you can't seem to find a use for it, right? Here's one way to use it/ a way to preserve it for the winter time- the idea is that you can save it for later and use it in hot chocolate for flavoring.
Mint sugar.
Pick a handful or two of mint leaves- it's not exact, but the more you put in the more flavorful it will be. Wash and dry. 

Put in a blender/puree machine with a cup of sugar until it's well mixed and chopped. 

Let it sit for an hour or so, so the sugar can absorb the flavor.

Let it dry for a while- at least overnight- spread out. It you want to be sure the moisture is all out leave it out longer, put it in the oven on warm for a while, or put a desiccant packet in whatever container you store it in. 

You can store it in whatever- mason jar, ziplock bag, etc. 
It's even yummy if you just eat it by itself. 

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