Saturday, October 13, 2012


Sorry that I've been MIA lately. School just gets crazy. My daily routine is this: run (no seriously) to class because I woke up late again, go to classes and work until anywhere from 3-7, stay at the library like a maniac who does homework until like 10 every night, sit in the kitchen and talk to Cara and roommates and such people until midnight, eat dinner (I know that's GOT to be healthy) which is usually some type of leftover that I've been eating ALL week, bed. Wow. My life's interesting right? So that's why I've been absent from this blog of mine, really I've been quite absent from my house and the internet as a whole- which is great, because that means I'm getting over bad habits of wasting a lot of time on the internet. So if you were interested, here are a few of my favorite moments lately. Enjoy it while you can. Because apparently I'm turning into one of those- only writes once and a while- type of people.

This is the funniest girl I'll ever meet. And this may have been one of the first times I met her. I walk around the corner in my kitchen and she's lookin like this. Don't ask questions. Because I have no idea. But the other day she was going to come over (ps she's my roommates friend) and she was all "sorry. I'll be over in a minute. I got held up." and then when she got here and we asked what she got held up with she said "I was eating a whole watermelon." ??? Who does that?

In our house we have this saying called 'Farmer's Market YOLO'. Calm down because I know YOLO is annoying. But it really just means that every time we're at the farmers market- well it's not going to be there all semester so we might as well just go crazy there. It's got the best stuff. 

We decided to be typical and have a cliche girls night. You cream, take out Chinese  and chick flicks. The works. OOOOOh how I love these girls. 

Egg dropping off the stadium. You wouldn't believe it- but this awful parachute design actually worked.

People have gotten in the habit of putting chairs in the elevator. I mean, you already feel lazy enough if you ever decide to not take the stairs...but then add onto it that you're sitting on a super fancy chair all 4 floors down.

Seriously the most comfortable chair- but I guess it's just not quite tall enough for my desk. So doing homework on it isn't the easiest.

Some little kids have lemonade stands. This girl's excited for Halloween at her's. Plus. A lemonade stand in a college town. Brilliant. Of course all the students who haven't seen another age group besides young adults and teachers in months are going to LOVE to see a cute child in a witch costume. Brilliant. 

Cara has this strange addiction to going to DI to look for giant sweaters. Found this gem of a sweater. Just picture seeing someone wearing it. I dare ya not to laugh.

Cara's class project- be blindfolded for 2 hours. So naturally I had to make her go out in public with me. She already hates the grocery store in case you were wondering. It was seriously one of the funnies things of my life though.

"How am I supposed to know which one broil is?"

While making a quesedilla " I have enough cheese yet?" yeah. I'd say that mountain of cheese was enough.

Late night walks in the nice fall air and walking through gutters of crunchy leaves. 
And if you were wondering- Cara wears those boots every single day. No matter if the red-plaid matches or not.
And to all the baggy favorites that get worn every day. :) And leggings. That's what every day turns into as soon as we get home from school.

Really I should have titled this something along the lines of- the adventures of me and Cara. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of your perfect height desk chair. Also, is that a ...bagel you padded that egg with?
