Thursday, August 9, 2012

Birthday Week

National Birthday week is officially over. From the 1st to the 8th (the week between me and Leah's brithdays) is non-stop celebration and excuses to do ridiculous things / whatever we want. I basically love it. So here...the week through pictures and a couple explanations in between...

It goes like this.
One crazy night we decided to try practically all the hair tutorials on pinterest. Turns out my mom's a pro...two tutorials from her. The first is how to tie your hair in a bow, the second is called the Gibson Tuck- love it.

Don't mind that the videos are super long and we're listening to Beethoven in the background...

Bought myself a denim shirt and pink skinnies. Finally.

On my actual birthday there was paddleboating at liberty park along with general exploring of the park, and then mint cupcakes with Andes on top and a movie.

 Do we really have to wear these ridiculous life jackets? I think not.

Needless to say we like taking pictures

Found these growing on a tree....whaaaaaaaat?

My sister goes to the store to buy junk food and this is what she comes up with...?

And this is what I come up with. I guess we're both a little weird?

Earlier in the week was hooligan stuff including "gold-fishing" all time favorite prank. 28 cent goldfish at walmart, doorbell ditched on someone's porch. Because they can't throw it away, especially if they have kids. Free goldfish for them. :) And also- we made this one up when we were feeling clever....paint swatching. Because when your local walmart is displaying paintswatches with names like "Furry Ottertail" "Sensuous Pear" and "Sunwashed Kelp".....(right?) how can you resist writing notes on them and putting them on people's cars. Including one of my favorite that we gave to some poor young couple making out on the street. I seriously almost ran over them in my car!!! Yikes. 

This is Leah's beaver face...I know. She's still needs to work on it a little ;)

And dressing up all Avant-Guarde like and going to the museum.

Leopard print shoes and polka dots. 

And is it kind of mean that I don't answer my phone on my birthday because I just LOVE getting the singing voicemails? Thanks to all those who called and sorry that I did not pick up, because I really actually didn't have my phone on a lot of the time. 

If you couldn't get enough of these pictures...more on Leah's Blog

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