Friday, July 20, 2012

Hiking hard core

 My and Le went on a hike the other day. Best/worst thing I could have done right before work. So this "easy"hike, well it turned out not to be easy. It turned out to be like 4 hours of hard core hiking and occasionally rock climbing. Steep stuff. And you see, we're kindof short, so it's hard to get up the "steps" of the trail.(but don't you love how some zooming and cropping makes me look THAT much taller next to her?)
The whole of the hike was spent complaining, sweating, trying to motivate ourselves by talking about Extreme weight loss TV shows, and talking about little snipits of life- mostly like "guess what I saw on pinterest the other day", "so at work yesterday", and "remember that one time when..."
But the waterfall at the end was certainly a victory. And then we had to rush back down, knees shaking, so I'd make it to work on time.
This face is pretty much how our knees felt on the way down.

 Love the gorgeous moss all up the side!